atWork Australia

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• Indoor aerial park, Latitude, wins ‘Champion Employer of the Year’, nominated by atWork Australia
• Sodexo, atWork Australia and South Metropolitan TAFE partner to win ‘Excellence in Collaboration’

PERTH – atWork Australia, one of Australia’s leading employment providers, was a dual winner at the 2018 National Employment Services Association (NESA) Awards for Excellence.

atWork Australia nominations won in the categories of Champion Employer of the Year – Latitude, and Excellence in Collaboration – a partnership between Sodexo, South Metropolitan TAFE and atWork Australia for their Hospitality VTEC Training program.

There was a strong representation from atWork Australia, with a total of four finalists – the two winners as well as finalists in the categories of Achiever of the Year (Krystal Johnson-Pinner) and Champion Employer of the Year (Bureau Veritas).

atWork Australia has a successful history at the NESA awards. Over the past seven years, the employment agency has nominated a category winner or finalist. Last year, atWork Australia took home the Excellence in Indigenous Employment award.

Michael Kolomyjec, General Manager of atWork Australia said, “This is the first time our nominations have resulted in two winners in the same year. These awards give the jobseekers we support the external recognition they deserve, as well as showcase the excellent working relationships we have with visionary employers. These successful relationships really do demonstrate the power of finding the right person for the right job.”

Latitude is an indoor aerial super park located in Edgewater in Perth, with integrated climbing and trampoline activities. Latitude worked with atWork Australia to actively recruit and employ young jobseekers for their opening in March 2018. This recruitment meant Latitude made a significant impact on youth unemployment in the region.

Peter Lang, Managing Director of Latitude said, “It was a great honour to be presented with the NESA Champion Employer of the Year which recognised the amazing group of recruits in our Perth venue and the management team that brought alive an innovative new stream to our recruitment methodology.

“We couldn’t be more proud of the team we have put together in Perth and the way that our new crew members were recruited and inducted into the business. Such was the success that we will be rolling out this new methodology into our other venues.

“We have a newfound respect and appreciation for the amazing work done by NESA member organisations, particularly the atWork crew in Perth who are simply the best!”

The Excellence in Collaboration Award was won by the Hospitality VTEC (Vocational Training and Employment Centre) Training Program, delivered via a successful partnership between atWork Australia, Sodexo and South Metropolitan TAFE.

This program targets Indigenous candidates with a non-working background, a background of generational unemployment, people with a past criminal history and people who are not physically or mentally prepared for the workplace. The program offers a focus on health, fitness and wellbeing, and has proven to be a life-changing experience. It is an excellent example of collaboration between an employment services provider, RTO and employer.

“It’s very important to us here at South Metropolitan TAFE to know that our programs produce the high quality outcomes we strive for. The partnership between atWork Australia, Sodexo and South Metropolitan TAFE guarantees these outcomes and makes such a positive impact on the lives and future careers of the participants of the program,” said Brenda Micale, General Manager Training Services 2.

These prestigious awards were announced as part of the annual NESA conference in Brisbane.

About NESA
NESA is Australia’s peak body for the employment services sector, and the bridge between the federal government and the employment services industry.

The NESA awards have been going since 2005, and are recognition of the strength and resilience that it takes to overcome hurdles to gain employment, and the persistent hard work of the employment consultants and employers who support jobseekers on their journey.

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