atWork Australia

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Good News from Invermay, TAS. Quote reads "“In the two weeks since Sabrina has begun employment, her confidence in herself and her abilities, has grown tremendously.” said Job Coach Ashlee

At 21 years old, Workforce Australia Client, Sabrina, was yet to start her employment journey.

When she met with her Job Coach, Ashlee, in Invermay, Tasmania, she had never held paid employment.

“When I met Sabrina, she lacked a lot of confidence, mainly due to having no employment history and no drivers licence,” said Job Coach, Ashlee.

“But through spending time together she began to open up, and now her happy, bubbly personality shines through.”

Together Sabrina and Ashlee started to make a plan for Sabrina to enter employment. They started by building her skills through a First Aid Certificate and a Certificate III in Community Services.

atWork Australia purchased a laptop for Sabrina to complete her studies. During this time, she really appreciated the flexibility of Workforce Australia, as she could reduce her job searching requirements and focus on study.

Ashlee also supported Sabrina to organise her first driving lessons, on the way to obtaining her driver’s licence. This will open even more opportunities, especially in the local area of Invermay where public transport is limited.

They worked together to develop a resume for Sabrina, using her life skills and her recent skills obtained through her Certificate III. The atWork Australia team then referred her to a local employer where she secured a role as a casual Sales Assistant.

The team helped her purchase work clothes to start her new job.

During Sabrina’s appointments, she also shared with Ashlee that she was feeling a lot of stress around her financial situation. So, Ashlee connected Sabrina to atWork Australia’s two-day MoneyMinded program.

“MoneyMineded has assisted Sabrina, especially now that she has secured employment. She feels much more confident in her ability to budget her income and look to the future with savings,” said Ashlee.

“In the two weeks since Sabrina has begun employment, her confidence in herself and her abilities, has grown tremendously.”

“Sabrina is proud of herself and really enjoying her new job.”

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Sabrina expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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