atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

Good News from atWork Australia. These events supported Tracey to believe she was capable of moving towards employment and interviews,” said Job Coach Aimee.


When Tracey* was first connected with atWork Australia’s Workforce Australia team in Corrimal, NSW, she was reluctant to participate.

Living with anxiety, stress, and having recent experience of domestic violence, Tracey wasn’t sure if she could trust the atWork Australia team and wasn’t ready for employment.

Tracey’s Job Coach, Aimee, was patient and understanding of the barriers Tracey was facing. Over time they built a rapport and Tracey began to start working with Aimee.

“Tracey took some time to get to know me, but once she started working with me, her self-belief started to grow,” said Aimee.

“She has gone from being difficult to contact, to being in regular contact with me.”

Aimee didn’t push Tracey into job searching or employment, as she understood that at this point Tracey wasn’t yet ready. Instead, they looked at activities to support her to feel more work ready.

Tracey was referred into atWork Australia’s Wellness Services, so she could gain additional support with her mental health.

She then participated in a short course called ‘Ready Set Go,’ which helps clients who are new to Workforce Australia to understand their requirements, the points based activation system (PBAS) and mutual obligations.

These activities increased Tracey’s trust in atWork Australia and helped her feel more confident.

She discussed with Aimee that she felt ready to meet with some employers in a casual setting as part of atWork Australia’s First Steps to Success event.

This event brings together employers, training providers and community organisations in the one place to support clients on their journey to employment.

These events supported Tracey to believe she was capable of moving towards employment and interviews,” said Aimee.

Tracey is now part way through studying a Certificate III in Business and is still supported by Aimee who is proud of the steps she has taken so far on her journey.

The atWork Australia team looks forward to being alongside Tracey as she starts to attend interviews and reach her employment goals.

*Clients name has been changed to protect their privacy

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Tracey expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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