atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

atWork Australia has been a game changer for my career. They have truly changed my life both at work, and outside of work. Julie was incredibly consistent, considerate and professional. - Sharni, Disability Employment Services, SA

At the time of entering the Seaford atWork Australia office, Disability Employment Services client, Sharni, was shy, anxious, and unsure of her future. After only two months of tailored support from Job Coach, Julie, and the atWork Australia team, her confidence is unrecognisable.

In addition to her anxiety, nerves and low confidence, Sharni was living with back pain. She was currently managing her pain – but this was something that needed to be considered when looking for employment opportunities.

This was something Sharni, and Job Coach, Julie chatted through in their first appointment together.

“Sharni was eager to work but felt like her skills and lack of confidence was never going to get her work. She has always wanted to work, she just needed to find the right support, and confidence to take the next step,” said Julie.

Sharni expressed an interest in working with the people, specifically in retail work. She spent most of her time and effort on finding retail positions whilst job searching on her own. She never considered any other industry. Together, the pair discussed alternative industries that would still allow her to work with the public.

Despite wanting to work in retail, she felt like her anxiety and confidence was holding her back. Julie noticed this, so to support her to gain confidence, she enrolled Sharni in a First Aid and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) course.

This would not only allow her to upskill, but to also get her out and about in the community, connecting with others.

“After the completion of this course, Sharni was offered a job opportunity via an employer of her family, but she was unsure if this was something that she can do,” said Julie.

“Together we discussed coping mechanisms ahead of the interview, and how she had exactly what she needed to thrive,” she adds.

The Seaford team financially supported Sharni in purchasing interview clothing ahead of the interview, which only increased her confidence further.

After all her hard work, Sharni was offered the part-time Support Work position. She was ecstatic. Julie is so proud of her progress, stating, “Sharni is now a very happy and confident woman and worker. She is doing wonderful work helping people. She knows the future is bright and she holds a good place in this world.”

“atWork Australia has been a game changer for my career. They have truly changed my life both at work, and outside of work. Julie was incredibly consistent, considerate and professional.”  – Sharni, atWork Australia client

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Sharni expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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