atWork Australia, the specialist employment division of the Work Health Group and one of Australia’s leading employment services provider, was recently awarded the Australian Government tender to participate in the Department of Social Services (DSS) Career Pathways Pilot for humanitarian entrants.
The pilot runs from June 2017 to June 2019. atWork Australia is the only provider in Western Australia to have been awarded this contract.
The Career Pathways Pilot (CPP) program will provide targeted, early intervention assistance for newly arrived humanitarian entrants (migrants and refugees) who have professional or trade skills and/or qualifications and vocational English language proficiency.
atWork Australia will assist CPP participants to develop and pursue a career pathway plan to guide them in finding and securing meaningful employment opportunities that suit their pre-arrival work history, qualifications and/or skills.
Ms Jacqui Luff has been appointed Career Pathway Coordinator for atWork Australia, based at Mt Hawthorn. As a dedicated CPP resource, Jacqui will travel to the other 14 atWork Australia offices located throughout the Perth metropolitan area, from Clarkson to Rockingham, overseeing the project.
“I’m looking forward to supporting newly arrived refugees in obtaining meaningful employment and gain personal and professional fulfillment, as well as guiding our staff to achieve outstanding return to work outcomes within the CPP program,” said Jacqui Luff.
Michael Kolomyjec, General Manager said “atWork Australia is excited to help transform the lives of newly arrived refugees and to support a new category of jobseekers. We feel privileged to work with people who are starting a new life in Western Australia.
“atWork Australia already delivers an individualised approach to each client. Our staff work together with jobseekers to deliver the best services for their needs, skills and situation – and in that sense, this group of jobseekers will be no different.”
To find out the eligibility criteria and further information on this no-cost service, please visit and any enquiries please contact: 1300 080 856 or email: