atWork Australia

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"I have found atWork Australia and Darby a pleasure to deal with. They have been professional in all aspects of our dealing."- Tracey, Altus Traffic Service Delivery Manager, WA

Atlus Traffic Albany’s partnership with atWork Australia has resulted in five skilled team members for their business.

Atlus Traffic Albany’s branch Service Delivery Manager, Tracey, was recommended the services of atWork Australia through a friend.

With a need for several new team members, she contacted atWork Australia, and was connected with Employer Engagement Consultant, Darby.

Darby got to know the branch and the business, their workflows, and what they look for in team members.

With this information, Darby was able to find suitable clients, with the relevant qualifications.

“We recently conducted a Traffic Management course within the region, so I was able to draw clients from there!” said Darby.

After confirming with these clients, Darby was able to present five resumes to Tracey. They were all progressed into the interview stage with all five clients being offered employment. Two clients were First Nations.

“Working with atWork Australia provided me with all the information and details of who I was interviewing and who I could expect to attend,” said Tracey.

“atWork Australia has done all the background work and checks for me. I know that I have received the best candidates for the business.”

Ahead of starting work, atWork Australia financially supported the clients in receiving a two-way radio.

“I have found atWork Australia and Darby a pleasure to deal with. They have been professional in all aspects of our dealing.” – Tracey, Atlus Traffic Service Delivery Manager

Looking for great talent to join your workplace? atWork Australia’s Government funded employment service is here to help. Get in touch today to find out more 1300 080 856 or enquire online

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