atWork Australia

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Good News from atWork Australia. Client Alesha says “Tyaneil helped me feel comfortable and build my confidence. I have become more independent for myself and my children,”

First Nations client, Alesha, attended the atWork Australia office in Clarkson hesitant about the type of help she could receive.

As a Workforce Australia client, Alesha is an early school leaver but wanted to be a good role model for her children.

“Alesha said her life goal was to be a positive role model for her children and show them that if she could do it, so can they,” said atWork Australia, pre-employment facilitator, Tyaneil.

Alesha was referred into atWork Australia’s Job’s for the Mob pre-employment course at her first appointment.

It was here that she met pre-employment facilitator, Tyaneil.

“Alesha came to the course really hesitant; she really didn’t think she would get anything out of the course,” said Tyaneil.

“On the first day of the course, we focus on goal setting for both employment and life goals and look at the small steps we can take to get there.”

Alesha realised that not having a driver’s licence was a barrier for her to reach her goals.

On the last day of the program, Tyaneil met Alesha at the transport department to financially support her to pay for her learner’s test.

“She passed on her first go,” said Tyaneil. “We were so proud of her.”

atWork Australia then supported Alesha to pay for driving lessons, and to pay for the practical test after six months. Alesha now has her driver’s licence.

After she gained her licence, she advised her Job Coach that she had landed a job interview.

The atWork Australia team supported her to purchase interview clothing, and Alesha landed a role working for the local government.

“Tyaneil helped me feel comfortable and build my confidence. I have become more independent for myself and my children,” said Alesha.

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Alesha expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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