atWork Australia

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atWork Australia Job Coach, Ryleigh, said, "“We are so thrilled to see Belinda secure this position and we will continue to support her throughout her employment.”

After nearly 10 years unemployed, Workforce Australia client, Belinda*, started by building her confidence as she prepared to step back into the workplace.

When Belinda first connected with atWork Australia at the Shellharbour office, NSW, she began working with her Job Coach, Ryleigh.

Initially, Belinda was finding it difficult to attend her fortnightly appointments. Ryleigh was patient with Belinda, continuously offering support and reminding her of the importance of attending her appointments, so she could progress towards employment.

As the pair developed a stronger relationship, Belinda began attending her appointments on a regular basis. She began to trust Ryleigh, sharing that she experiences mental health concerns making it difficult for her to attend her appointments.

After the pair had an open conversation, it allowed Ryleigh to tailor the support to ensure Belinda had the best opportunity to progress towards employment.

Ryleigh referred Belinda to atWork Australia’s Wellness Services, where she would be supported by a professional Wellness Advisor.

With the consistent support of her Job Coach and professional guidance of her Wellness Advisor, Belinda was regaining her confidence and desire to find employment.

Belinda suggested she was ready to return to work and thought a cleaning position could be a good place to start. With the full support of atWork Australia, the team began searching for suitable opportunities.

It was a priority for Belinda to find a position that could be flexible around her personal life and caring responsibilities. Through the combined efforts of searching and applying for vacancies, Belinda secured an interview and was successful in landing a position as a Cleaner.

Belinda was thrilled when she heard the news and incredibly grateful to have found an employer who is happy to provide her the flexibility she requires for her personal circumstances.

“We are so thrilled to see Belinda secure this position and we will continue to support her throughout her employment,” said Belinda’s Job Coach, Ryleigh.

*The clients name has been changed to protect their privacy

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Belinda expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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