atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

Corrina stands in front of her cleaning trolley in a shopping centre. She says “I feel Gayle has fully supported and encouraged me all the way.”

Disability Employment Services client, Corinna, chose atWork Australia in Aberfoyle Park as it was nearby to her home.

Corinna lives with a spinal disorder, and a mental health condition.

She shared with Job Coach, Gayle, she felt like the poor public transport options in her neighbourhood were limiting her job options.

She also shared that she had a strong desire and willingness to work but the constant knock backs were making her feel like a failure.

“I mentored and supported Corrina through every disappointment that came her way and encouraged her to keep trying,” said Gayle.

Gayle introduced Corrina to Employer Engagement Consultant, Amanda, who had a cleaning opportunity that Corrina was interested in.

The role was cleaning homes. A few weeks into the role, Corrina realised that carrying all the cleaning equipment on public transport was harder than expected.

Gayle discussed other career options and training, however, Corrina really enjoyed cleaning and felt confident doing that kind of work.

So, Gayle supported Corrina to obtain a police clearance and first aid certificate. Once she had these, Amanda, connected Corrina to a cleaning role at the local shopping centre.

The atWork Australia team knew what the employer was looking for, so they updated Corrina’s resume to stand out, and they encouraged Corrina to take it in personally to the employer.

Corrina landed the role, and she is thriving in it. Being a major shopping centre, the public transport makes it easy for Corrina to get to work.

“My Job Coach, Gayle, is amazing and very supportive. Without her, I would not be where I am today, and I am really loving my job,” said Corrina.

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Corrina expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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