atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

atWork Australia client, Adam, said, “My wonderful journey with atWork Australia has led me to secure employment that truly excites me."

Disability Employment Services client, Adam, came to atWork Australia’s Lakelands, WA, office determined to find suitable employment. Unfortunately, Adam has been in and out of employment for the past year, struggling to find the right opportunity.

Adam is on the Autism Spectrum. His main goal is to find employment where he can use his horticulture qualifications and find an employer who is understanding of his barriers and willing to work patiently with him to develop his skills in the workplace.

When Adam connected with atWork Australia’s In-Work Support Coach, Erin, they focussed on pursuing opportunities where he could use his skills and passions.

Erin was determined to find something for Adam and began contacting local employers.

Soon enough, Erin found a vacancy with a  local pro golf shop, which she thought would be a perfect opportunity for Adam. Erin went and spoke with the manager and she was able to negotiate a position for Adam.

This new position would give Adam an opportunity to develop his social skills and would be a foot in the door to an industry which is relevant to his previous education. He hopes to be able to progress within the business and use his horticulture qualifications to assist in maintaining the adjoining golf course.

Since securing the position, Adam wanted additional skills to work in more areas of the Golf Club. atWork Australia supported Adam to obtain his Responsible Serving of Alcohol and Barista qualifications. After the training courses, Adam had boosted his knowledge and confidence to work in a social environment.

Adam is loving his new workplace and can’t believe the progress he is making.

“My wonderful journey with atWork Australia has led me to secure employment that truly excites me. Every day I am learning new skills and meeting new people. My boss is so understanding and accepting. I am so grateful for atWork Australia, I now feel part of a team and great fulfilment in my work,” said Adam.

After four weeks in his new workplace, Adam won an award for his hard work and has been celebrated by his colleagues for his work ethic. Adam has recently celebrated 13 weeks in his new job, he continues to learn new skills and is loving every day in his new workplace.

Adam’s manager, Craig, said, “since Adam has joined our team, he has brought a very positive and can do attitude. He has also stuck to our core values very well, so well that he won an award after only being with the company for four weeks. We are so grateful that atWork Australia connected us to Adam, he has become a vital part of the team.”

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Adam expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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