atWork Australia

jobactive | Disability Employment Services | NDIS | atWork Australia

Access to additional support services

atWork Australia is here to maximise your strengths, abilities and make a difference in your life through employment. We can also connect you to information for additional support services available, such as Disability Advocacy.

What is Disability Advocacy?

It’s vital that people living with disability are provided with information on how to access a disability advocate – someone who can speak up on your behalf. Effective disability advocacy is about acting, speaking or writing to promote, protect and defend the human rights of people living with disability, injury or health condition.

If you need information on how to access a disability advocacy organisation in your local area, please refer to the Disability Advocacy Finder website:

You can also access additional information on support advocacy for people living with disability in connection with the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) via the Advokit by DANA (Disability Advocacy Network Australia) website. Please refer to this link:

All feedback is good feedback

Please click here to learn how to provide feedback this includes emailing us at atWork Australia welcomes feedback at any time! Feedback helps us co-design our service to ensure it is meeting your needs as a client.

Complaints and reporting abuse

Disability Employment Services clients can also make a complaint via the Complaints Resolution and Referral Service on 1800 880 052 or for more options visit

If you wish to complain about disability services that you’re receiving, please contact the appropriate complaints line listed below:

Information in other languages

If you require information in other languages about Disability Employment Services, you can access this information via the Jobaccess website.

This page provides information in 22 other languages, providing all relevant information on Disability Employment Services. In addition, you can also obtain contact details for Translating and Interpreting Services.

Wellness Support Services

If you need additional support to progress towards employment, eligible clients have access to allied health sessions with a qualified Rehabilitation Counsellor or Psychologist to identify work options that are suitable for your health condition or disability.

Together, you will create an employment pathway plan that focuses on supporting your overall mental and physical health, while also developing skills, confidence, and resilience.

The allied health services are:

  • Focused on you and are individually tailored
  • Confidential
  • Flexible (via telehealth, in-person, with an interpreter or in several spoken community languages)
  • Delivered by a qualified Rehabilitation Counsellor or Psychologist
  • Centred around progressing you towards employment

Additional Support

atWork Australia can also support you to connect to any community services you may need such as:

  • Housing Support
  • Domestic violence or crisis/trauma support
  • Cultural services
  • Social groups
  • Drug and alcohol treatment
  • Mental health services
  • Legal services
  • Programs which address specific disability, injury or health concerns

If you need more urgent support, we recommend using the AskIzzy website which can connect you to the help you need, nearby to you.

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