atWork Australia

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"I am grateful for the support from my Job Coach, Angela. She helped me gain the required qualifications to secure a job I enjoy." - Abir, Workforce Australia, NSW

After 10 years out of the workforce caring for her children, Abir entered the atWork Australia office in Chester Hill, NSW, looking to make bold moves on her journey.

At 24 years old, Abir moved to Australia with no qualifications and a minimal working history. She got married, and had two children, and has spent the last 10 years caring for her family.

While her children were young, her marriage ended, and she experienced financial hardship as a single parent. This coupled with English being her second language, having no support network, and lacking digital and literacy skills, she was not confident.

In August 2024, she was connected with Workforce Australia Job Coach, Angela. Within their first appointment together, Angela got to know Abir, and Abir got to know atWork Australia, and the support available to her.

Abir was looking to secure a stable part-time job during school hours as a support worker. This meant that she was still able to care for her children, whilst contributing to the community.

Angela constructed a plan to get her there.

“Coming to atWork Australia has given her options and opportunities, guidance to career paths and courses,” said Angela.

Abir was supported through referral to internal programs to address financial instability and gaining vocational qualification; a Certifcate III Individual Support.

A face-to-face course was selected, as this works better for the Abir and her English skills. Abir was also enrolled to complete her First Aid certification.

These trainings allowed her to progress into her dream role as a support worker.

With all her qualifications secured, Angela began searching for positions with hours that worked with her schedule. This was soon found, and after a successful recruitment process, Abir began work.

Ahead of her big day, atWork Australia financially supported Abir in purchasing work clothing.

“Abir has gained the confidence to be able to face challenges with positivity. She feels good about herself within her personal life and career,” said Angela.

“I am grateful for the support from my Job Coach, Angela. She helped me gain the required qualifications to secure a job I enjoy.” – Abir, atWork Australia client.

Every year, atWork Australia help thousands of clients like Abir expand their skills and qualifications to help them gain the right job with the right employer. Call us today on 1300 080 856 or enquire online to find out how we can help you meet your career goals.

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